Tag Archives: #100 words

100 word challenge

Suddenly there was something there … I looked round the corner, I turned my back and thought it was my imagination but it happened again. As from then I thought something was really  happening. As fast as I could I ran to my mum’s room in hysterics; teeth clattering like mad and worst off all I nearly fell down the stairs.

They where wondering what was going on (my family) the moment was all very dramatic and we still had to check out my room… was it ghosts? was it aliens? I don’t know.


the awesome hyena by steven

The super awesome hyena, who ran though the dark gloomy forest, had just been hunting for its prey. The fierce predator didn’t come back with any food so he just sat miserably eating his sandwich.

The next day he was going to visit his friend Ben the grey koala but he lived on the top of a cliff In a little cave; the only way to get there was to climb. After a few boring hours, he finally got to the top of the humongous cliff. He trotted along into Ben the koala’s gloomy, rocky cave but seemed very wrong…

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johns day by Michael

It was miserable grey day. John was sitting on his wrecked couch eating a ham sandwich. John lived with his Mum and Dad. He was as lazy as a sloth and didn’t care about anything or anyone but himself. All he ever did was sit down and watch television or play on his DS. He never did his homework, flash cards or his comment. John only had one friend which was his dog that was more lazy than him. But one day John and his dog came across on TV to see a hyena climbing up a wall. That’s the life of John.

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the strange day by lucyj

It was a calm, bright, colourful day in the wonderful, sunny day Balamory when I was doing my big climb. But something was wrong about today, it felt strange; I saw the miserable hyena that was always in the local park and nothing was wrong with that so I carried on my climb. Later on that day, I went to the shop and bought a lovely chicken and ham sandwich for my  lunch. When I paid for the sandwich I had to ask someone what day it was all they said was “I don’t know”. Suddenly the sky turned grey…

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the unicorns and the hyena by Emma

The unicorns galloped to the palace on the rock. It was quite far away and they had to climb up hills. On the way they came across a grey, miserable hyena. It gave the unicorns a dirty look. They just looked away and carried on with their journey. But soon they came across the hyena again it gave them the very same look as before. The unicorns asked why he was following them and it turns out it only wanted a sandwich from their picnic, so they gave one to him. Then they carried on along the crystal roads till they got to the palace.

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