Author Archives: Kane

HELLO Sasquatch



The Hollywood Hyenas Win. By Kane

The American Football players are playing the last game of the season. The Hollywood Hyenas are playing against the Miami Monkeys. At the end of the game, they will be eating bacon butties and beef sandwiches with bar-b-que sauce. The grey hyena, the Hollywood mascot, was messing about with the bored children. Suddenly, one of the children decided to climb on the mascot. This made the mascot miserable! The parents told the naughty child to stop annoying the mascot and watch the game. The grey hyena ran onto the pitch and the Hyenas scored an amazing touchdown. What a win!


The Lancaster Bomber.

The Lancaster Bomber was built by AVRO for the Second World War. It had three turrets, which were used by machine gun operators, to shoot the enemy out of the sky. It was usually painted in camouflage colours on the top, so that the enemy couldn’t see it. Underneath it was painted black.

The planes were used for lots of bombing missions, including the Dam Busters. This was part of the Battle of Britain. The bombs were carried underneath the plane and were dropped by the gear release.

Seven people were on the Lancaster bomber; a pilot, a flight engineer, three machine gun operators, the gear release man and the navigator.
